
Setting up MoKo designs has been something I've been meaning to do for many years, with artwork and ideas stacking up and gathering dust both in cupboards and in my head. I didn't want to regret not trying, so here we are. Go easy on me and I welcome ideas, corrections etc from my wider aiga/whanau (family) and visitors to the site.

Having grown up in New Zealand and the Pacific Islands, Polynesian art has always been a part of my life in various shapes and forms. MoKo designs is a platform for me to explore the visual impact of this art and discover new ways to represent the history and significance of some of the forms in today's world.

The idea started from a fascination with Tā moko, the traditional Māori art of tattoo which most people will recognise as the face tattoo. The intricacies and complexity within the art is not only visually stunning, but also deeply embedded with information about the individual. The swirls and patterns depicting rank, social status, power and prestige. Within each tattoo lies rich symbolism including ancestry, vocation/skill, marital status and even a signature.

The plan is to build on my interpretations of all art forms from across the pacific, considering the nuances of the legends and myths between the different pacific regions. As an example Tangaroa/Tagaloa hold different significance between Māori and Samoan views.

My representations are highly stylised, so as not to misrepresent any sacred elements of the traditional art of the Pacific cultures.

I hope you enjoy.
